Witek, Bernard
Dio e i suoi figli: Analisi retorica della Prima Raccolta Salomonica Pr 10,1-22,16
Witek, Bernard. Dio e i suoi figli: Analisi retorica della Prima Raccolta Salomonica Pr 10,1-22,16 In Gregorian Biblical BookShop. Roma: Pontificia universta gregoriana, 2005.
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Joy and Sadness of Heart (Prov 15:13-17)
Witek, Bernard. "Joy and Sadness of Heart (Prov 15:13-17)." Studia Rhetorica 17 (2004).
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Kontext literacki a przysłowia biblijne
Witek, Bernard. "Kontext literacki a przysłowia biblijne." Sudia Salvatoriana Polonica 1 (2007): 109-24.
Search through the bibliography to see all of the citations on chiasmus.
Reading the Biblical Proverbs in the Literal Context
Witek, Bernard. "Reading the Biblical Proverbs in the Literal Context." Africa Tomorrow 4 (2005): 53-71.
Search through the bibliography to see all of the citations on chiasmus.